UPDATED FEB 2020. Do you sometimes feel like you’re too scared to travel? That’s probably rightfully so. After all, day in and day out we are bombarded with news and images about just how scary the world can be. This constant flood of stories of mass shooting here, terrorist attack there and one in a million freak accident somewhere else subtly morphs our views on the world around us. The good news is that there’s also a world of wonder out there and it is very possible to overcome these fears so that we can experience all the goodness that travel has to offer. In today’s post, I’m sharing my tips on how to overcome your travel fears and see the world.
Scared To Travel? How To Overcome 6 Common Travel Fears
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1. The fear of language barriers
It’s plain scary to think of visiting somewhere and not being able to communicate with anyone.
How on Earth are you going to get around, buy food, understand signs and ask the important questions?
How to overcome this
Learn as much as you can before your trip.
At the very very very very least, learn how to say:
- hello
- goodbye
- thank you
There’s no need for you to be fluent in the language in order to visit. Remember that most visitors aren’t either so don’t put that pressure on yourself.
As long as you get some basic phrases under your belt you will get by.
If you will be driving you should also learn some traffic words before your trip.
My other tip is to use a translator app.
I use Google Translate. It’s helpful in those times where you just need some help communicating and you can also use the camera function to translate signs. Here is my tutorial on how to do that.
2. The fear of disaster
What if the plane crashes?
Or what if there is a terrorist attack?
What if I get sick or injured?
What if I get mugged?
A lot of people are scared to travel because of the possibility of these types of disasters.
How to overcome this
This one is pretty common. I’m sure we have all thought or heard someone talk about this travel fear before right?
These fears can be overcome with logical thinking.
I always think that if you drive a car each day then you’re already doing one of the most dangerous things you can do.
Traveling just seems scarier because of the unfamiliar surroundings.
To overcome these fears, treat them like the risks you encounter in everyday life.
It’s wise to be smart and check the travel warnings before your trip. Make sure there are no high-risk security or environmental advisories out for the country you will be visiting.
I also think this book is a must-read for every woman to empower you to learn strategies to take control of their safety.
3. The fear of wasting money
Most of us aren’t super-rich and able to go on a holiday on a whim.
So we have probably been saving up for the trip and it might even be the only time we get to see this place.
It’s hard to know where to invest your tourist dollars and if you only have this one chance you don’t want to waste it right?
How to overcome this
This one all comes down to researching and taking a risk.
After you pick the place you want to visit, start looking into the things to do in the area and be specific in your research to narrow it down.
For example search ‘top nature activities’, ‘best nightlife’ or ‘top cultural activities’.
For me, blogs (like mine obviously) are a great resource in this area because you can get a lot of insider information with real-life experiences. I also like TripAdvisor.
You’re probably going to find a lot to do – probably more than you have time to do.
Make a list of the things that looked the most appealing and, once you are on your holiday, just pick something(s) off the list each day.
Don’t stress about making a perfect choice or getting through every single thing the town has to offer.
The worst-case scenario is that you go on an activity that you don’t love and you know what, that’s not that bad.
You’ll still have a travel experience and stories to tell no matter what. If you view everything as an experience instead of a waste, it won’t feel like you waste any time or money.
4. The fear of new places makes you scared to travel
In a new place, how are you meant to know which are the best areas to spend time in and which are the safest?
How to overcome this travel fear:
Just like with the fear of wasting money, this one can be overcome with some research.
I book accommodation using Booking.com because you can always find a good deal there and I always read the reviews before I book anything.
This way I can learn more about what to expect. I also check the location of the hotel to make sure there isn’t going to be long walks to get around.
This way you can get some of the insider knowledge on which places to avoid and which are must-see.
When it comes to safety, I also think it is a good idea to ask the hotel staff (or someone else that lives and works there) about getting around the areas that you plan to visit.
This has helped me get some good knowledge about how I can walk around towns while avoiding shady areas.
5. The fear of offending locals
Cultural differences are a beautiful thing but, in a world where everyone is offended by everything, we can be scared of these differences.
What if we say something, wear something, or do something that accidentally offends someone?
How to overcome:
Before you visit, do a little googling on the culture in case there are any big-ticket things you need to know.
You wouldn’t want to get to Egypt for example and then find out that your tank tops and short shorts are inappropriate if that’s all you had packed.
So google for those big things prior (this is a good site to get you started).
Remember that learning is all part of the travel experience so be open to it.
Let people teach you and make an effort to change your behavior while you are a guest in the town.
I have found that people can tell if you’re making an effort and taking an interest and they are usually more than understanding and happy to help when that is the case.
6. It all comes down to the fear of the unknown
Most of these fears all boil down to an element of the unknown.
Something we don’t know and can’t control.
How to overcome travel anxiety when facing the unknown
It’s up to you to prepare, so research as much as you can so that you can have an enjoyable and safe trip.
Then, embrace the unknown and be open to learning. Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself ‘it’ll be OK.’
Part of the beauty of travel is that we are exposed to many new experiences – otherwise, it would be no different than going to your local city.
That wouldn’t be as much of an adventure right?
All we need to do is let go of our fears so that we can make the most out of our lives and travel experiences.
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I absolutely love this article. Even as a very seasoned traveller, I’m still faced with fears from time to time.
Also, a great app for learning languages is Duolingo. Check it out!
Ohh good tip, I’ll check out that app! Thank you!
Probably my biggest fear is the fear of offending. I try to be knowledgeable of customs before I go, but every destination is diverse so you never completely know.
And there’s just so much to learn! It’s a big one for me too.
Fear of ending! I feel you on that one.
Looks like there’s a few of us!
Definitely agree with fear of offending – research definitely helps!
Also, I struggle with the fear of doing too much or not doing enough (i.e. I don’t want to be TOO busy that I don’t enjoy the experience, but I also don’t want to regret not doing/seeing certain things if I leave them out!)
Ahh yes I get this one too – sometimes it’s rough trying to find the balance between seeing as much as you can and actually enjoying your time! Thanks for sharing this one!
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